We inform you that all data related to your access are automatically registered in order to guarantee – according to Law prescriptions – your personal data safety and integrity and corporate asset protection. We also use these data for statistics in order to optimize our web system.
By navigating our website, you give your consent to data treatment and you have the right to protection according to art 7 D.L.G.S. 196/2003
GM International S.r.l. Cookie Policy
Why do we use cookies?
Cookies allows us to improve navigation and customer experience through our website, creating a better and more personalized communication.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files, cached in your computer while navigating the Internet.
They are used to ease the website navigation, providing useful information on how to improve the website itself, by tracking movements inside the website, allowing to go back to where navigation was stopped, to have an automated authentication process, to save personal settings and charts details during on-line shopping.
If you want to know when cookies are activated or you do not want them, you can change your browser configuration. In the bowser menu, you can also choose to delete all cookies.
Which cookies do we use?
We use functional and analytical cookies. The firs are used to improve website navigation; the latter are used to gather non-personal data, related to the way the service is used inside the browser.
Both cookies do not register any personal information nor store any identifiable data.