CSV Active Srl is a relatively young company, born in 2013 within the CSV Life Science Group, which has been providing engineering, construction and validation services for 25 years to pharmaceutical companies in Italy, Europe and various countries around the world . Since the very beginning, the goal of CSV Active Srl was to expand its offer of services, activating itself in the research and marketing of intermediates and active ingredients.
We asked Paolo Urizzi, Managing Director of CSV Active Srl, to tell us how the commercial relationship with GM International was born and how it has developed over time.

“The first products we marketed consisted of advanced chemical synthesis intermediates in the pharmaceutical field, they came mainly from China and India – recalled Paolo Urizzi – therefore we needed to identify a forwarder, who was qualified to manage transport both by sea and by air and capable to carry out all the necessary customs operations. We identified GM International as a reliable and very competent partner in the field, able to support us professionally in the initial stages of starting up our business”.
Within a few years, CSV Active growth, allowed them to structure a Quality System and to get AIFA authorization for the import and distribution of Active Substances.
“In this important turning point of our company and our business – added Paolo Urizzi – GM International became our partner company: we gladly entrusted them the management of logistics processes, signing a dedicated Quality Agreement, in order to fulfill all the GMP requirements“.
Today we are structured to meet all GMP/GDP requirements in terms of supply chain, procurement, storage, distribution and transportation of products. In this context, logistics management is crucial in ensuring compliance with GMP / GDP.
Among the critical aspects, that our Quality System constantly keeps under control, temperature conditions are the most important: they have to be kept invariable throuought all transportation and storage management of Active Substances, which have particular characteristics related to their nature or to the hazard class associated with them
CSV Active Srl Quality System determines a monitoring plan for transport, from when the goods leave the original production plant, up to the delivery to the final customer.
First of all, suitable means must be selected to guarantee the integrity of the product, such as refrigerated vans or containers. These conditions must be constantly monitored by means of duly calibrated devices/dataloggers which are placed with the goods during the entire supply cycle in order to guarantee the correct conservation and integrity of the Active Principle.
“GM International supports us by dealing with all the phases that are part of the supply process: from the moment the goods leave the production plant to the delivery to the final customer. GM International’s service includes: choosing the suitable means of transport (in terms of adequacy to the nature and possible hazard class of the goods); booking the appropriate airline/shipping company and managing all the required export/import documentation, whether they are purely customs papers or sanitary/veterinary specific documents. Then, GM International’s team takes care of the customs clearance, which may also include their personnel’s assistance during the visits and checks requested by the officials in charge, and finally they select and verify the means of transport to be used for delivery to the final customer or eventually they support us in the storage of our products in their certified warehouse”.
The collaboration between CSV Active S.r.l. and GM International has been going on for several years, thanks to some shared values, first of all the principles of quality and professionalism, which allow us to guarantee an excellent level of service, which is always oriented towards continuous improvement.
Among those values, People are at the first place, as Paolo Urizzi put it: “We believe that any company is made up of People and that each and every employe and collaborator is fundamental to the success of every business; sharing experiences is the best way to strengthen relationships and to work together for hgher prfessional and personal satisfaction and growth“