Organike was founded in 2015 to find, sell and distribute, mainly in the Italian market, raw materials and advanced intermediates for the production of active ingredients in the pharmaceutical sector.
A key factor in this sector is the logistics one: in each phase of the chain the maintenance of specific conditions of temperature, light, humidity is essential in order to guarantee the integrity of the substances.
We asked Alessandro Ranzani, Administrator of Organike, to explain to us what are the main critical issues of the logistics management and how GM International supports Organike in addressing them.

The first question is about logistics in all its phases, from the purchase order to the final delivery.
Organike’s approach aims at maximum transparency and speed: “Once we received the purchase order from our end customers, we let all the players involved – supplier and logistics – communicate in the best possible way so that the goods are shipped and delivered on time. The high degree of professionalism of those who assist us, allows us just to monitor the various stages of the shipment, which are promptly communicated for our constant knowledge and approval“.
In this way our company can be completely focused on our core business, while a valuable partner takes care of the logistics with the highest quality standard, requested by Organike.
GM International is the partner Organike chose for logistics services, which are crucial for the achievement of business results.
“At the very beginning, GM International proposed itself as logistic operator with valuable know-how in the chemical/pharmaceutical sector – continued Ranzani – and over time it has established itself as an essential partner for our business. From freight organization, to customs assistance, from API storage to deliveries to the final customer, the services offered by GM International are fundamental for Organike’s business“.
A partnership that has evolved and consolidated over time and which is going to further develop in the future, thanks to GM International’s presence in the main regions / ports of departure of raw materials and the consolidation of proximity with the most important customers. This, according to Ranzani “will be essential to quickly respond to the increasingly challenging needs of end customers”.